13 december | support MESSA | kapu | linz

Ellereve, alias of german singer-songwriter Elisa Giulia Teschner, blooms amongst the austrian alps surrounding Innsbruck. Here, the talented artist developed her truly distinctive style, rich of emotional urgency and longing.
With the recent release of her debut album ‘Reminiscence’ via Eisenwald Records, the artist proves once again how skillfully intimacy and intensity can be united. Electronically refined Dark Rock with Folk and Shoegaze influences, melt into each other and create an almost post-apocalyptic atmosphere of gloom and soulful harmony. On several (international) stages like Amplifest Porto, Rockhouse Salzburg, WGT Leipzig, Feierwerk Munich, KAPU Linz and many more, Ellereve has captivated her audience and provides goosebumps moments.
After her debut EP ‘Heart Murmurs’ and further singles in the last three years, Ellereve’s sound has become even more powerful, with the new material blending electronic music elements into organic composition. “My songs are still mostly written late at night, in my living room, when a melody on guitar or synth inspires me to develop something. But before hitting the studio, I finalize the songs in the rehearsal room with the live band.“ The poetry of Ellereve is delicate and strong at the same time, remaining intense in its crescendo. A true ode to heart-treading melancholy, undoubtedly the music of Ellereve unveils the unique, strong personality of its architect, stunningly portrayed through a delightful confluence of atmospheric synths, deep basses, reverb-laden and distorted guitars and dynamic drums. The recurring themes of existentialist dis- quiet come together revealing the introvert nature of the artist, who is a curious sound researcher moving through captivating and magical soundscapes. Ellereve is available in full band line-up as well as with a special acoustic set.

6 april | ragnarök festival | lichtenfels
21 april | support HEXVESSEL | kuba | jena
22 april | support HEXVESSEL | feierwerk | munich
23 april | support HEXVESSEL | modra vopice | prague
24 april | support HEXVESSEL | viper room | vienna
6 september | ncn festival | deutzen
7 September | glashaus | bayreuth
20 september | support DORNENREICH | graz | explosiv
21 september | support DORNENREICH | wörgl | komma
4 october | support DORNENREICH | goldgrube | kassel
5 october | support DORNENREICH | slow club | freiburg
11 october | support DORNENREICH | spitalkirche | pfaffenhofen
12 october | support DORNENREICH | nikolaikirche | heilbronn
25 october | support THE VISION BLEAK | dvg club | kortrijk
26 october | support THE VISION BLEAK | turock fest | bochum
27 october | support THE VISION BLEAK | das bett | frankfurt
31 october | support THE VISION BLEAK | airport obertraubling | regensburg
1 november | support THE VISION BLEAK | from hell | erfurt
2 november | support THE VISION BLEAK | klub lacznik | wroclaw
3 november | support THE VISION BLEAK | blauer salon | dresden
8 november | support THE VISION BLEAK | kiff | aarau
9 november | support THE VISION BLEAK | club make | stuttgart
10 november | support THE VISION BLEAK | viper room | vienna
31 march | kapu | linz
1 april | kramladen | vienna
5 april | feierwerk | munich
7 april I rockhouse | salzburg
8 april | pmk | innsbruck
12 april | support DOWNFALL OF GAIA + IMPLORE | juha west | stuttgart
23 april | p8 | karlsruhe
6 may | peer23 | mannheim
25 may | support SHY,LOW | kuba | jena
27 may | wgt hellraiser | leipzig
28 may | support LUCY KRUGER & THE LOST BOYS | hafen 2 | offenbach
23 june | live am see | meschede
14 july | in flammen open air | torgau
23 september | amplifest | porto
30 september | support HERETOIR | bambi galore | hamburg
3 november | sonnenkeller | balingen
4 november | support DORNENREICH | pauluskirche | dortmund
6 november | support DOWNFALL OF GAIA | helios 37 | cologne
11 november | sound of munich now festival | munich
18 august | stella nomine festival | torgau
15 august | support THE SLOW SHOW | strom | munich
30 july | support SHORES OF NULL | rockhouse | salzburg
19 april | support ULTHA | livestage | innsbruck
25 march | heppel + ettlich | munich
17 march | merlin | stuttgart
05 march | kapu | linz
18 nov | sound of munich now festival | munich